13/12/2023 17:30h - Tech Barcelona Stage

Sonic Evolution: Music’s Impact on Well-being (by BMTH)

Dra. Carmen Cabezas (Salut Pública Generalitat de Catalunya)
Dra. Melissa Mercadal (ESMUC)
Ivan Ferrigno (Moonai)
Moderator: Natalia San Juan (SAE Barcelona & Femnøise Platform & Label ‘s Founder)

  • In this second session organized by the Barcelona Music Tech Hub, the speakers will discuss music’s innovative impact on areas like health, education, and productivity, and its applications in these fields.
  • – Dra. Carmen Cabezas – Secretària de Salut Pública de la Generalitat de Catalunya
  • – Dra. Melissa Mercadal – Directora acadèmica i directora del màster en Musicoteràpia de la ESMUC.
  • – Ivan Ferrigno – Chief Product Officer de Moonai
  • – Natalia San Juan (Moderator) – Marketing Coordinator at SAE Barcelona & Femnøise Platform & Label ‘s Founder


’30 minutes

Language: Català

ASSOCIACIÓ TECH BARCELONA is the main organizer of "TECH SPIRIT BARCELONA” that will be held on December 12th and 13th in Llotja de Mar, Barcelona, involving active participation by Agència per a la Competitivitat de l’Empresa. Your registration will involve the processing of your data by both entities, as set out in the Privacy Policy that you will find in the registration form.